Gérer le coût du risque en entreprise, un enjeu stratégique entre contrôle budgétaire et sauvegarde de la valeur
Gestion des risques opérationnels et structuration du contrôle : un enjeu de recherche et développement pour le secteur financier
Ideological polarization and the media
Greater media presence may facilitate information transmission and consensus or amplify existing political differences. In the OECD greater media penetration is strongly correlated with reduced ideological polarization.
Information management for the internationalization of SMEs: Anexploratory study based on a strategic alignment perspective
The ability to internationalize has become a competitive necessity for many SMEs, enabling their survivaland access to larger markets.
iPhone 6 d'Apple : médias, fans, pourquoi la course à la rumeur est plus folle que jamais
This generalist article present the role of rumor for Apple strategy. Behind the mystery, why this famous company has to cope with rumor?