
Associate Professor Research
Résumé du parcours
Yosr BEN TAHAR, (PhD in entrepreneurship, University of Montpellier in 2015), is an Associate professor in the management Department of Paris School of Business. She is a member of the [name of the Chair: Wine & Tourism. She teaches Management & Leadership, Global Strategy & International Development, Entrepeneurs Psychology, Strategy Auditing, Research Method, and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE). His main research interests include entrepreneurship psychology with a focus on entrepreneurial stress and satisfaction, entrepreneurial identities and legitimacy building. His researches have been published in journals such as Small Business Economics,International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Revue de l'entrepreneurial. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international entrepreneurship, small business, management and wine conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
- PhD, Business Administration, Management (graduated in 2014)
Département pédagogique
- Management
Titre | Auteurs | Source | Date |
Times of Crisis and New Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Highly Regulated Environments: The Case of mRNA-Biotechs During COVID-19 | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Yann TRUONG | International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research | 09/2023 |
Emotional Demands and Entrepreneurial Burnout: The Role of Autonomy and Job Satisfaction | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Nada REJEB, Adnane MAALAOUI, Sascha KRAUS, Paul WESTHEAD, Paul JONES | Small Business Economics | 08/2023 |
La satisfaction professionnelle, une ressource pour les propriétaires-dirigeants de PME? | Yosr BEN TAHAR | Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat | 01/2018 |
Titre | Auteurs | Source | Date |
Storytelling et mise en récit de l’authenticité : le cas des néovignerons en Saint-Chinian | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Sarah MUSSOL | ISTE | 09/2023 |
The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Skills for Successful Ventures | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Coralie HALLER, Charlotte MASSA, Sebastien BEDE | Emerald Insight | 01/2018 |
Étude exploratoire de l’Oldenburg Burnout Inventory dans le contexte des dirigeants de PME | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Olivier TORRÈS | Armand Colin | 01/2013 |
Le burnout patronal | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Mathias ROSSI | DeBoek | 01/2012 |
Les conflits entre valeurs et choix stratégiques peuvent-ils nuire à la santé des dirigeants de PME? | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Caroline DEBRAY, Agnès PARADAS | DeBoeck | 01/2012 |