How Social Representations are useful for Social Auditors / Original Title: En quoi les représentations sociales peuvent être utiles à l’auditeur social ? Revue de littérature des méthodologies applicables
The endogeneous variables ruling on complementarities between governance mechanisms: a case study about Eurocontrol surveillance programs
Microfinance as social entrepreneurship : a case study in Morocco
This paper aims to evaluate microfinance foundations in the context of social entrepreneurship. Based on European approach of social entrepreneurship as well as BOP 2.0 protocol of social business, we proposed a conceptual framework to analyze the micro finance foundation activities.
The complementarities between ICT use, new organizational practices and workers' contextual performance: Evidence from Europe in 2005 and 2010
The Short- And Long-Term Performance of Privatization Initial Public Offerings in Europe
This article investigates the return behaviorof privatization initial public offerings (PIPOs) in Europe over both theshort- and long-run horizons.