Sommet franco-palestinien : les trois défis de la France pour garder un rôle dans la région - Atlantico

Statistical method to estimate regime-switching Lévy model
A regime-switching Lévy model combines jump-diffusion under the form of a Lévy process, and Markov regime-switching where all parameters depend on the value of a continuous time Markov chain. We start by giving general stochastic results. Estimation is performed following a two-step procedure.

Technological environment and technology entrepreneurship: a cross-country analysis
Recent years have seen growing interest in the influence of the environment on entrepreneurship. However, little is known about the impact of the country-level technological environment on the creation of new technology-based firms.

Technologies de l'information et variété des formes de cocréation: vers un nouveau paradigme pour la défense américaine
This article investigates the role of Defence as an active user of technology. It shows that two user centric models of innovation co-exist: the owner and Lead user status. The article analyses the consequences of user’s characteristics on the client and firms relationships.