From China to the World: What Drives China's Taste for Luxury and what it means for Luxury Brands
China’s rising significance in the different segments of the luxury industry is related to the longstanding presence of luxury in its history and culture. Luxury is intertwined in gift-giving traditions and an elaborate understanding of social networking and appropriate connections (Guanxi).
"Un focus sur les familles d'agriculteurs vendéens en voie d'appauvrissement"
La pauvreté en milieu rural présente des caractéristiques singulières. La ville est habituellement perçue comme créatrice d'inégalités sociales, et la pauvreté y a toujours été visible.
A regime switching model to evaluate bonds in a quadratic term structure of interest rates
In this article, we consider a discrete-time economy in which we assume that the short-term interest rate follows a quadratic term structure in a regime-switching asset process.