
Associate Professor Research
Yosr BEN TAHAR, (PhD in entrepreneurship, University of Montpellier in 2015), is an Associate professor in the management Department of Paris School of Business. She is a member of the [name of the Chair: Wine & Tourism. She teaches Management & Leadership, Global Strategy & International Development, Entrepeneurs Psychology, Strategy Auditing, Research Method, and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE). His main research interests include entrepreneurship psychology with a focus on entrepreneurial stress and satisfaction, entrepreneurial identities and legitimacy building. His researches have been published in journals such as Small Business Economics,International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Revue de l'entrepreneurial. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international entrepreneurship, small business, management and wine conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
- PhD, Business Administration, Management (graduated in 2014)
Teaching department
- Management
Title | Authors | Source | Date |
Times of Crisis and New Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Highly Regulated Environments: The Case of mRNA-Biotechs During COVID-19 | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Yann TRUONG | International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research | 09/2023 |
Emotional Demands and Entrepreneurial Burnout: The Role of Autonomy and Job Satisfaction | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Nada REJEB, Adnane MAALAOUI, Sascha KRAUS, Paul WESTHEAD, Paul JONES | Small Business Economics | 08/2023 |
La satisfaction professionnelle, une ressource pour les propriétaires-dirigeants de PME? | Yosr BEN TAHAR | Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat | 01/2018 |
Title | Authors | Source | Date |
Storytelling et mise en récit de l’authenticité : le cas des néovignerons en Saint-Chinian | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Sarah MUSSOL | ISTE | 09/2023 |
The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Skills for Successful Ventures | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Coralie HALLER, Charlotte MASSA, Sebastien BEDE | Emerald Insight | 01/2018 |
Étude exploratoire de l’Oldenburg Burnout Inventory dans le contexte des dirigeants de PME | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Olivier TORRÈS | Armand Colin | 01/2013 |
Le burnout patronal | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Mathias ROSSI | DeBoek | 01/2012 |
Les conflits entre valeurs et choix stratégiques peuvent-ils nuire à la santé des dirigeants de PME? | Yosr BEN TAHAR, Caroline DEBRAY, Agnès PARADAS | DeBoeck | 01/2012 |