Francesco APPIO

Francesco APPIO

Full Professor
Francesco Paolo APPIO, (PhD. In Mangement, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in 2013 ; HDR in Management, Université Paris-Saclay in 2021), is a Full Professor in the Department of Management & Strategy of Paris School of Business. He also received the qualification of Professeur des Universités (Section 6 – Sciences de Gestion et du Management) from CNRS. He teaches Innovation Management, Research Methods and related topics in the BBA and MIM Programs. His main research interests include digital transformation at multiple levels, sources of innovation, consequences of innovation failures, microfoundations of breakthroughs. His research have been published in journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Long Range Planning, Information & Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. His research have also been presented at numerous national and international management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. Other Activities Editorial responsibilities in academic journals : Associate Editor – Technological Forecasting and Social Change Department Editor – IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Editorial Review Board – Journal of Product Innovation Management Workshop/conference organisations TEMSCON Conference (2022) CINet Conference (2013, 2016, 2017) International workshop (IPAG-EMLV-GEM) (2018) International workshop (Parthenope University) (2019) International workshop (Paris School of Business) (2023) Paper Development Workshop (Politecnico di Milano) (2021) Membership of Board or other responsabilities in think thanks, NGOs..etc Member of the Doctoral College – University of Messina (Italy) (2021-ongoing) Executive Committee Member – SKEMA AI Institute (France) (2019-2022)



  • Qualification à Professeur des Universités - Section 6 'Sciences de Gestion et du Management' (CNRS) (graduated in 2023)


  • Strategic management
  • English
  • Management

Teaching department

  • Management


Digital Management
Digital Management
Strategic Management
Strategic Management


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
Crowdfunding for sustainable development: comparing stand-alone and combined applications Francesco APPIO, V. VARRIALE, F. MICHELINO, M. CAPUTO Finance Research Letters 03/2025
The green premium: How environmental consciousness elevates crowdfunding success   Francesco APPIO, F. PLATANIA, C. T. HERNANDEZ, T. BAZGOUR Finance Research Letters 03/2025
An action-research framework for investigating design thinking innovation case studies: Underlying reasoning logics and approaches for a triple-stage methodology Francesco APPIO, Marcos Lima Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 01/2025
Science fiction and the quest for innovation Francesco APPIO, T. MICHAUD, S. VINT, L. YASZEK Technovation 01/2025
Digital transformation of the Pharmaceutical Industry: A future research agenda for management studies Francesco APPIO, Mario Miozza, Federica Brunetta Technological Forecasting and Social Change 10/2024
Exploring the Nexus of Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Agribusiness: Advancing a Research Agenda Francesco APPIO, Maria Carmela Annosi, Esteban Brenes, Federica Brunetta Technological Forecasting and Social Change 09/2024
Exploring the Role of AI in B2B Customer Journey Management: Towards an IPO Model Francesco APPIO, TATIANA KHVATOVA, FRANCESCO SCHIAVONE, SUBHASIS RAY IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 08/2024
Pairing AI and sustainability: Envisioning entrepreneurial initiatives for virtuous twin paths Francesco APPIO, Federico Platania, Celina Hernandez IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 07/2024
Evaluating the impact of project and operational complexities on the crowdfunding campaigns of new technologies: An empirical investigation Francesco APPIO, FRANCESCO SCHIAVONE, DANIELE LEONE, FEDERICO PLATANIA IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 06/2024
The impact of Pfizer’s social media engagement during the COVID-19 Francesco APPIO, FEDERICO PLATANIA, CELINA TOSCANO HERNANDEZ, LUCA MORA IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 06/2024
Decoding AI readiness: An in-depth analysis of key dimensions in multinational corporations Francesco APPIO, Subhasis Ray, Sanjit Roy, Richard Gruner, Ali Tehrani Technovation 03/2024
Not all (innovation) failures are created equal: A typology of companies’ responses to the consequences of innovation failure Francesco APPIO, Francesca Capo, Maria Carmela Annosi Technovation 02/2024
A Multi-Objective Pair Trading Strategy: Integrating Neural Networks and Cyclical Insights for Optimal Trading Performance Francesco APPIO, Federico Platania, Celina Toscano Hernandez, Imane El Ouadghiri, Jonathan Peillex Annals of Operations Research 01/2024
From mutualism to commensalism: Assessing the evolving relationship between complementors and digital platforms Francesco APPIO, Luca Gastaldi, Daniel Trabucchi, Tommaso Buganza, Mariano Corso Information Systems Journal 01/2024
Green crowdfunding: An empirical study of success factors Francesco APPIO, Filippo Corsini, Marco Frey IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 01/2024
Harnessing digital business strategy for innovation performance: A narrative literature review Francesco APPIO, Grieva Olga, Donate Mario, Guadamillas Fatima Journal of Innovation Economics and Management 01/2024
Institutional context and agile team innovation: A sensemaking approach to collective knowledge creation Francesco APPIO, Maria Carmela Annosi, Antonella Martini Technovation 01/2024
Integrating Intuition and Rationality in Strategic Decision-Making Processes: Insights From Product Development in Multinational Corporations Francesco APPIO, Maria Carmela Annosi, Federica Brunetta, Napassorn Watcharakomenkul, Federico Platania IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 01/2024
Open Innovation at the Digital Frontier: Unraveling the Paradoxes and Roadmaps for SMEs' Successful Digital Transformation Francesco APPIO, Emanuele Cacciatore, Fabrizio Cesaroni, Antonio Crupi, Veronica Marozzo European Journal of Innovation Management 01/2024
Smart service value: Conceptualization, scale development, and validation in the retailing context Francesco APPIO, S. ROY, G. SINGH, Linda Hollebeek, A. JAPUTRA, S. SHABNAM, S. VAN DOORN, S. RAY Technovation 01/2024
Unveiling micro-foundations of digital transformation: Cognitive models, routines, and organizational structures in agri-food SMEs Francesco APPIO, Maria Carmela Annosi, Francesca Capo, Ivan Bedetti Technological Forecasting and Social Change 12/2023
Organizing for Smart City Development: Research at the crossroads Francesco APPIO, Luca Mora, Nicolai Foss, David Arellano-Gault, Xiaoling Zhang Organization Studies 10/2023
Deciphering Convergence: Novel Insights and Future Ideas on Science, Technology, and Industry Convergence Francesco APPIO, Stefanie Bröring, Nathalie Sick, Sungjoo Lee, Luca Mora IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 01/2023
The impact of public attention during the COVID-19 pandemic Francesco APPIO, Federico Platania, Celina Toscano Hernandez, Manuel Moreno Finance Research Letters 01/2023
Dealing with knowledge hiding to improve innovation capabilities in the hotel industry: The unconventional role of knowledge-oriented leadership Francesco APPIO, Mario Donate, Miguel Gonzales-Mohino, Fabian Bernhard Journal of Business Research 05/2022
Envisioning innovation opportunities through science fiction Francesco APPIO, Thomas Michaud Journal of Product Innovation Management 03/2022
An integrative review of innovations in the agricultural sector: The roles of agency, structure, and their dynamic interplay Francesco APPIO, Maria Carmela Annosi, Rosa Maria Oliva Raez, Teresa Del Giudice Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2022
Patent design strategies: Empirical evidence from European patents Francesco APPIO, Daniela Baglieri, Fabrizio Cesaroni, Lucia Spicuzza, Alessia Donato Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2022
Building an ANFIS-Based Decision Support System for Regional Growth: The Case of European Regions Francesco APPIO, Francesca Pipitone, Sofiane Achiche, Antonella Martini IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 05/2021
How does artificial intelligence enable and enhance value co-creation in industrial markets? An exploratory case study in the healthcare ecosystem Francesco APPIO, Daniele Leone, Francesco Schiavone, Benjamin Chiao Journal of Business Research 05/2021
The role of scientific knowledge within inventing teams and the moderating effects of team internationalization and team experience: Empirical tests into the aerospace sector Francesco APPIO, Lorenzo Ardito, Angelo Natalicchio, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli Journal of Business Research 05/2021
Assembling Sustainable Smart City Transitions: An Interdisciplinary Theoretical Perspective Francesco APPIO, Luca Mora, Mark Deakin, Xiaoling Zhang, Michael Batty, Martin De Jong, Paolo Santi Journal of Urban Technology 01/2021
Digital transformation and innovation management: a synthesis of existing research and an agenda for future studies Francesco APPIO, Federico Frattini, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Paolo Neirotti Journal of Product Innovation Management 01/2021
Enhancing Ecoinnovation Performance: Evidence From a Water Footprint Assessment in the Manufacturing Industry Francesco APPIO, Giulia Romeni, Antonella Martini, Benjamin Mercat, Alan Jean-Marie, Christian Joubert IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 01/2020
Social Media-based Innovation: A review of trends and a research agenda Francesco APPIO, Stefania Testa, Silvia Massa, Antonella Martini Information and Management 01/2020
The strategic, organizational, and entrepreneurial evolution of smart cities Francesco APPIO, Francesco Schiavone, Luca Mora, Marcello Risitano International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 01/2020
Why are rewards not delivered on time in rewards-based crowdfunding campaigns? An empirical exploration Francesco APPIO, Daniele Leone, Federico Platania, Francesco Schiavone Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2020
Patent portfolio diversity and firm profitability: A question of specialization or diversification? Francesco APPIO, Luigi De Luca, Robert Morgan, Antonella Martini Journal of Business Research 08/2019
B2B relationship management in complex product systems (CoPS) Francesco APPIO, Sylvie Lacoste Industrial Marketing Management 01/2019
Enacting social crowdfunding business ecosystems: The case of the platform Meridonare Francesco APPIO, Angelo Presenza, Tindara Abbate, Fabrizio Cesaroni Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2019
Exploring the antecedents and consequences of environmental performance in micro-enterprises: The case of the Italian craft beer industry Francesco APPIO, Filippo Corsini, Marco Frey Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2019
The advent of practice theories in research on sustainable consumption: Past, current and future directions of the field Francesco APPIO, Filippo Corsini, Rafael Laurenti, Franziska Meinherz, Luca Mora Sustainability 01/2019
Understanding Smart Cities: Innovation ecosystems, technological advancements, and societal challenges Francesco APPIO, Marcos Lima, Sotirios Paroutis Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2019
Fostering distributed business logic in Open Collaborative Networks: an integrated approach based on semantic and swarm coordination Francesco APPIO, Mario Cimino, Alessandro Lazzeri, Antonella Martini, Gigliola Vaglini Information Systems Frontiers 01/2018
Managing the exploration-exploitation paradox in healthcare: Three complementary paths to leverage on the digital transformation Francesco APPIO, Luca Gastaldi, Mariano Corso, Andrea Pistorio Business Process Management Journal 01/2018
Title Authors Source Date
CubeSats: Invading and Shaping the Space Industry. The Impact of Nano-Satellite Innovators on Space Exploration Francesco APPIO, Paris Chrysos Edward Elgar 05/2024
Title Authors Source Date
Smart City Development: ICT Innovation for Urban Sustainability Francesco APPIO, Luca Mora, Mark Deakin, Yusuf Aina Springer 01/2020
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
Phoenix rising: The owner's journey of family business sale and revival through ownership competence Francesco APPIO, DOMENICO APPIO, JOSIP KOTLAR Academy of Management Proceedings 08/2024
Ethics on ChatGPT use: the effect of students’ ethical judgment on intention to use Yosr BEN TAHAR, Marta BALLATORE, Francesco APPIO Digital Transformation Society 05/2024
Digital platforms for sustainability in agri-food ecosystems: A systematic literature review Francesco APPIO, K. VAN LEEUWEN, M. C. ANNOSI, S. MASSA, A. IAZZI 01/2024
Governance of blockchain-based decentralized applications: Evidence from multiple cases Francesco APPIO, G. VELLA, L. GASTALDI 01/2024
Phoenix rising: the owner's journey of family business sale and revival through ownership competence Francesco APPIO, D. APPIO , J. KOTLAR, L. MANELLI 01/2024
Digital platforms and complementors: An empirical analysis based on Youtube content creators Francesco APPIO, Luca Gastaldi, Daniel Trabucchi, Tommaso Buganza, Mariano Corso INNOVATION AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 01/2021
Integrating intuition and rationality in the strategic decision-making process: Evidence from MNCs Francesco APPIO, Maria Carmela Annosi, Federica Brunetta Academy of Management Conference 01/2021