
Associate Professor Research
Résumé du parcours
Dr. Mariem Brahim is an Associate Professor at Paris School of Business (PSB). She obtains her CNU qualification in economic sciences (CNU section 05). She holds her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord in 2016. Previously, she served as Professor-Researcher and Director of Bachelor Management at Brest Business School (between 2021 and 2023) and at ESLSCA Business School (between 2019 and 2021). Between 2013 and 2019, Dr. Brahim has taught in several institutions such as University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, EDHEC Business School Lille, ESSCA Business School Paris, EM Normandie, IESEG School of Management, University of Sorbonne Paris Nord, etc. In 2016, she joined the “Institut de prospective économique du monde méditerranéen (IPEMED)” as a Head of economic studies.
Dr. brahim has published articles in leading refereed journals, including Energy Economics; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Research in International Business and Finance; Management International; Gestion 2000; Revue d’Économie Du Développement; etc.
Furthermore, she published a high quality of online articles in: Le monde; La Tribune; Les Echos; Contrepoints; Jeune Afrique; African Business Magazine; Bpifrance; etc.
Dr. Brahim applies developed econometrics tools to examine a broad set of topics related to the FDI International Political Economy and Applied Econometrics. Her research includes topics, such as International Economics, Applied Macroeconomics, Finance, and Energy.
Actually, Dr. Brahim works on finishing some books and prepares for new collaboration with several Professors. This collaboration helps to develop ideas related to fix special issues in indexed journals and to publish new papers.
- PhD, Economics, Economics (graduated in 2016)
Domaine de compétence
- Economics
- Finance
- Quantitative Methods