Federica SALVADE
Associate Professor Research
Résumé du parcours
Federica Salvadè, PhD in Finance, (Catholique University and Paris I University in 2015), is an Associate professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business.
She teaches Financial Markets, Corporate Finance and related topics.
Her main research interests include Banking and Corporate Finance.
Her researches have been published in journals such as Management Science and Journal of Financial Intermediation.
Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Finance conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
- PhD, Finance (graduated in 2015)
Titre | Auteurs | Source | Date |
Credit Ratings and the Hold-Up Problem in the Loan Market | Federica SALVADE, Mattia Girotti, Christophe Cahn | Management Science * | 03/2024 |
Credit rating agencies, information asymmetry and US bond liquidity | Federica SALVADE, Stefano LOVO, Philippe RAIMBOURG | Journal of Business Finance & Accounting | 11/2022 |
Bank CEO careers after bailouts: The effects of management turnover on bank risk | Federica SALVADE, Alberta Di Giuli, Pramuan Bunkanwanicha | Journal of Financial Intermediation | 01/2022 |
Competition and Agency Problems within Banks: Evidence from Insider Lending | Federica SALVADE, Mattia GIROTTI | Management Science | 01/2022 |
Rating announcements, CDS spread and volatility during the European sovereign crisis | Federica SALVADE, Philippe RAIMBOURG | Finance Research Letters | 05/2021 |
Is less information better Information? Evidence from the credit rating withdrawal | Federica SALVADE | Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting | 07/2018 |
Titre | Auteurs | Source | Date |
Reforming Credit Rating Agencies | Federica SALVADE, P. RAIMBOURG | Springer | 01/2017 |
Titre | Auteurs | Source | Date |
Passing the Parcel? Relationship Banking at the Onset of Financial Distress | Federica SALVADE | FEBS The Financial Engineering & Banking Society | 01/2021 |
The Effect of Bank Bailouts on CEO Careers | Federica SALVADE, P. BUNKANWANICHA, A. DI GIULI | EFiC 2019 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance | 07/2019 |
The Effect of Bank Bailouts on CEO Careers | Federica SALVADE, P. BUNKANWANICHA, A. DI GIULI | NYU- SAFE? LABEX REFI LAW AND FINANCE WORKSHOP | 01/2019 |
External Credit Rating and Bank Lending | Federica SALVADE, M. GIROTTI, C. CAHN | Workshop Macro Banking and Finance | 09/2018 |
External credit rating and Bank lending | Federica SALVADE, M. GIROTTI, C. CAHN | EUROFIDAI Paris December Meeting | 01/2018 |
External Credit Ratings and Bank Lending | Federica SALVADE, Mattia GIROTTI, C. CAHN | European Financial Management Association (EFMA) | 01/2018 |
External Credit Ratings and Bank Lending | Federica SALVADE, M. GIROTTI, C. CAHN | 01/2018 | |
External Credit Ratings and Bank Lending | Federica SALVADE, Mattia GIROTTI, Christophe CAHN | European Financial Management Association (EFMA) | 01/2018 |
The Effect of Financial Firm Bailouts on CEOs’ Careers | Federica SALVADE, A. DI GIULI, P. BUNKANWANICHA | 01/2018 | |
The Effect of Financial Firm Bailouts on CEOs’ Careers | Federica SALVADE, A. DI GIULI, Pramuan BUNKANWANICHA | European Financial Management Association (EFMA) | 01/2017 |