Advances in Managing Energy and Climate Risks. Financial, Climate and Environmental Sustainable Strategies
Dépendance au courrier électronique: effets sur la technostress et la surcharge informationnelle et répercussions sur la performance
Environnement de taux bas et rentabilité des banques en zone euro
The monetary policy conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB) over the past decade and the demographic and structural changes in our societies have led the economies of the eurozone towards an environment of persistently low interest rates.
Nonlinear tail dependence in cryptocurrency-stock market returns: The role of Bitcoin futures
Nonperforming loan of European Islamic banks over the economic cycle
This paper investigates the variation in nonperforming loans over the economic cycle and the effect of past returns based on a nonparametric quantile analysis of the largest Islamic banks in the United Kingdom and Turkey from 2010 to 2019.