Research Lab Breakfast meetings Les Matinales

"Customer experience and consumer expectations: What open innovation strategies?" 

2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation Society - DTS 2024

The Parthenope University of Naples hosted the second International Conference on Digital Transformation Society on 23 and 24 May 2024

2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation Society - DTS 2024

The Parthenope University of Naples hosted the second International Conference on Digital Transformation Society on 23 and 24 May 2024

Matinales du PSB Research Lab - Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises

La 1ère matinale du hashtag#PSBResearchLab, a réuni des professionnels et des chercheurs autour du thème « Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises »

Matinales du PSB Research Lab - Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises

La 1ère matinale du hashtag#PSBResearchLab, a réuni des professionnels et des chercheurs autour du thème « Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises »

Meet the editor Workshop - Mirella Kleijnen, Editor in Chief, Journal of Business Research

Two weeks ago has taken place the 3rd edition of Paris School of Business' "Meet the Editor Workshop" organized by our professors Nessrine OMRANI, PhD. HDR & Francesco Paolo Appio, PhD, HDR

Meet the editor Workshop - Mirella Kleijnen, Editor in Chief, Journal of Business Research

Two weeks ago has taken place the 3rd edition of Paris School of Business' "Meet the Editor Workshop" organized by our professors Nessrine OMRANI, PhD. HDR & Francesco Paolo Appio, PhD, HDR

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society: Opportunities and Challenges book cover


Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society: Opportunities and Challenges book cover