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Designing a Measurement Scale for E-Reputation

The concept of e-reputation has attracted substantial attention among practitioners but little attention among researchers. A review of the literature indicates that e-reputation mostly encompasses reputation and digital insights, but no clear definition of the term is provided.

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"Hedging strategies in energy markets: The case of electricity retailers"

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Audience participation in cultural projects : bringing the organization back in


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La transposition du modèle Sirmon et Hitt dans le champ de l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes

The purpose of our research is to study the role of the family and resources that it provides to the young entrepreneur. Research on youth entrepreneurship has shown the influence of the family on the creation, we tested the applicability of the model D.G. Sirmon and M.A. Hitt (2003).

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Manager la créativité externe : que font les entreprises des idées nouvelles produites à l'extérieur de leurs fronitères ?


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About the relevance of digital ecosystems for the collaborative expert group projects

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Dynamic capabilities in multi-technological firms: a global-local perspective of permanant realignement

In this contribution, we adress the acquisition of dynamic capabilities in global firms, and investigate the nature of mechanisms and processes suited to generating adaptation and strategic flexibility in global firms confronted to discrepant ecosystems.
