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Android Permission Usage: a First Step towards Detecting Abusive Applications

Thousands of mobile applications are available on mobile markets and actively used everyday.

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Co-authorship Networks in Industrial Ecology Domains: the Growth and Change of Networks

Many scientific collaboration networks have been extensively studied from different perspectives, such as through network degree analysis or centrality. However, there has been little study of the scientific collaboration network in the industrial ecology (IE) research domain and community.

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La Tentation de Pékin, Outre-terre n°43, 2015

China in Latin America

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L’e-réputation - Comprendre, apprendre et ne plus (trop) en dépendre

Le plus important n’est pas ce que vous dites ou faites, mais ce que Google dit de vous. Une réputation bien maîtrisée et bien gérée est une des clés de la réussite des entreprises.

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Innovation and Profits; A Virtuous Circle

Using a panel of 1130 companies with financial data over a three-year period, this paper confirms that contemporaneous relationships exist between innovation performance and profits.

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Valuing Networks for Emerging Musicians, Tendances sociales et culturelles de la valeur

This paper is related to the work of Cartwright and Smith (2013) focusing on emerging musicians innovating in networks, networking and the concept of orchestration, but the discussion is extended by addressing the issue of value in general and intangible value in particular.

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REPLOT : REtreiving Profile Links On Twitter for malicious campaign discovery

In the last few decades social networking sites have encountered their first large-scale security issues. The high number of users associated with the presence of sensitive data (personal or professional) is certainly an unprecedented opportunity for malicious activities.

20 idées reçues sur l'énergie

e monde est confronté à un défi inédit et complexe : assurer l'accès à l'électricité pour tous, tout en luttant contre le réchauffement climatique.
