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The role of economic structural factors in determining pandemic mortality rates: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak in France

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Trattato di economia eretica

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Contagion effects from U.S. to MENA Equity Markets: The Role of Oil and Gas

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Worker mobility and the purchase of low CO2 emission vehicles in France : a datamining approach

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L’inscription des formes atypiques de travail dans des espaces partagés : le cas des collectifs de pigistes

This study focuses on several freelance journalists’ collective in France as revealing common dynamics of atypical and rather individualized professional activities. We built a typology of entrepreneurial motivations in these coworking spaces.

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Arabie saoudite : L'après-pétrole

The gradual dissipation in the Middle East of the post-decolonization nation-state political model in favour of the clericalization of states has fuelled the age-old rivalry between the Sunni and Shiite spheres.

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FDI, banking crises and growth: direct and spill over effects

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100 fiches pour comprendre le digital

An indispensable book for quick access to the essentials of the digital world.
