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Service Business Markets: relationship development in shipping industry

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Technology-transfer offices and academic open labs as different types of organizational intermediaries in science-society relationships

The goal of this article is to investigate the key characteristics of technology transfer offices (TTOs) and academic open labs (AOLs) as intermediaries between science and industry in relation to knowledge production modes 2 and 3 described by Etzkowitz & al (1997) and Carayannis & al (2

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The influence of production, IT, and logistics process innovations on ambidexterity performance

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Developper des capacités hautement créatives dans les entreprises : le cas des laboratoires d'innovation ouverte

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Les plateformes d'innovation : les dynamiques de communautés

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Diffuser le design thinking dans les grandes entreprises: le rôle des managers et des designers

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Elaborating business models to develop technological coherence: the managers as boundary spanners
