

Associate Professor Research
Nathalie BITBOL-SABA (PhD in Management Sciences, Université Paris Descartes, France, 2015) is an associate professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches corporate finance, business control, organizational management and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole and also research design in corporate finance in the DBA program. Her main research interests include gender in professional service firms, corporate governance and diversity, corporate govenrance and CSR. Her researches have been published in journals such as Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Journal of Knowledge Management and Journal of International Management. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings such as Critical Perspectives on Accounting conference (CPA), Academy of Management (AOM), European Group for Organzational Studies (EGOS) and Gender, Work and Organization.



  • PhD in Management (graduated in 2015)


  • Controlling
  • Personal development
  • Finance
  • Controlling
  • Finance
  • Management




Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
Rethinking companies' culture through knowledge management lens during Industry 5.0 transition Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, L.M. Daniele, V. Cillo, G.L. Gregori, F. Caputo Journal of Knowledge Management 11/2022
The disruption of the international supply chain: Firm resilience and knowledge preparedness to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, ALBERTO PEZZI, BEATRICE ORLANDO, DEBORA TORTORA Journal of International Management 03/2022
Rethinking companies’ culture through knowledge management lens during Industry 5.0 transition Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, Valentina CILLO , Gian Luca GREGORI, Lucia Michela DANIELE, Francesco CAPUTO JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 11/2021
It's not often we get the visit of a beautiful woman". The body in client-auditor interactions ans the masculinity of accountancy Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, Claire DAMBRIN Critical Perspectives on Accounting 10/2019
The role of a knowledge leader in a changing organizational environment. A conceptual framework drawn by an analysis of four large companies Nathalie BITBOL-SABA Journal of Knowledge Management 02/2018
Title Authors Source Date
Contrôle de Gestion Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, I. MIROIR LAIR Ouvrage 05/2017
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
Managing role conflicts in situations invovling interactions with clients: women's experiences in PSFs Nathalie BITBOL-SABA egos colloquium 07/2019
Working women's experiences in PSFs: client interactions, role assignments and the hegemonic masculinity Nathalie BITBOL-SABA Gender Work and Organization 06/2018
"It's not often we get the visit of a beautiful woman". Body in client-auditor interactions and the masculinity of accountancy Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, CLAIRE DAMBRIN 07/2017
Les conflits de rôles des professionnelles comptables Nathalie BITBOL-SABA 03/2016
Press Article
Title Authors Source Date
Gouvernance et mixité femmes-hommes dans les entreprises : peut mieux faire ! Nathalie BITBOL-SABA LE MONDE DES GRANDES ECOLES 12/2022
Pour une relance différente, durable, inclusive et paritaire Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, Françoise SAVES Revue Française de comptabilité 12/2021
Féminisons les boards pour une gouvernance durable et responsable Nathalie BITBOL-SABA The conversation 03/2021
Loi Copé-Zimmermann: les proposition de l'AFEC pour renforcer et élargir son application Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, F. SAVES Revue Française de comptabilité 03/2021
Article The Conversation . Politiquement incorrecte? la pratique de manterruption décryptée Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, Clémence AUBERT-TARBY 08/2017
Working Paper
Title Authors Source Date
Gestion des conflits de rôles des auditrices légales face au client: une lecture interactionniste. N° G 2015-36, 2015 Nathalie BITBOL-SABA Cahiers de recherche du CEDAG Management - Université Paris Descartes 07/2015
White paper
Title Authors Source Date
Regards croisés sur l'alternance Nathalie BITBOL-SABA Livre Blanc 01/2023
Refondre la gouvernance RSE des organisations: les apports de la pensée écoféministe Nathalie BITBOL-SABA Livre Blanc 12/2020