How does COVID-19 influence dynamic spillover connectedness between cryptocurrencies? Evidence from non-parametric causality-in-quantiles techniques
This research examines the impact of the COVID-19 on cryptocurrencies’ connectedness by employing two techniques: TVP-VAR-based connectedness and causality in the quantiles.
Is Less Really More? How Clients Perceive Uncertainty Disclosures of Professional Service Providers
Le Flex-office, état des lieux post-covid : comparaisons d’usage et de perception - l’Angleterre (2/2)
Making, hacking, coding. FabLabs as intermediary platforms for modes of social manufacturing
The article suggests that the emergence of FabLabs and other collaborative spaces of innovation imply new modes of manufacturing, based on a more social, inclusive, and open approach than current industrial mass-production models.
Ségrégation sociale à l'Université : des disparités académiques sur la période 2006-2016
This article is the first quantitative and exhaustive analysis of social segregation in French universities.
The Impact of the Ukraine-Russia War on World Stock Market Returns
As a topical issue, this paper studies the responses of world stock market indices to the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia.
When co-creation pays off: the effect of co-creation on well-being, work performance and team resilience
This study aims to explore the effect of value co-creation among health-care professionals and in a business-to-business (B2B) context on the involved individuals and the organization.