Social identities and sustainable orientation in entrepreneurs: The mediating role of entrepreneurial passion
Boundary spanners as the missing link in supporting collaborative innovation in innovation spaces
Exploring the Nexus of Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Agribusiness: Advancing a Research Agenda
The development and diffusion of digital technologies are transforming industries, including the agrifood sector, which is experiencing significant changes driven by the "Digital Agriculture" era.
Women’s political empowerment, economic development, and democracy around COVID-19: a cross-country analysis
We study the effect of Women’s Political Empowerment (WPE) on COVID-19 contagion using a sample of 48 countries during the pandemic. We find that the number of COVID-19 cases is lower in countries with better WPE.
Asymmetrical Coopetition: Emergence Conditions and Characterisation Through Environmental Uncertainty
Exploring the Role of AI in B2B Customer Journey Management: Towards an IPO Model
Artificial intelligence is becoming a pervasive technology and companies are increasingly urged to adopt and implement it in order to thrive and innovate.
Global macroeconomic factors and the connectedness among NFTs and (un) conventional assets
This paper examines return and volatility connectedness among Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and (un)conventional financial assets across various market conditions using a Quantile-VAR connectedness technique.