
Affiliate Professor
Gunther Capelle-Blancard is Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and research associate at Paris School of Business. From 2007 to 2009, he was scientific advisor at the French Council of Economic Analysis, an independent, non partisan advisory body reporting to the Prime Minister. Then, from 2009 to 2013, he was Deputy-Director of the CEPII, a research center in international economics. His research interests include financial markets, financial regulation and taxation, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. His research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Review of Finance, The Journal of Banking & Finance, The European Financial Management Journal, Business Ethics, The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, The Journal of Investing, The European Journal of Finance... Gunther has a PhD from the University of Paris 1, which has been awarded by the Chancelleries des Universités de Paris. He won also the Euronext prize from the French finance association for the best PhD thesis in finance.
- PhD, Economics (graduated in 2001)
Big Data
Big Data
Title | Authors | Source | Date |
Les 100 mots de la finance durable | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | PUF | 11/2024 |
La taxation des transactions financières | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | La Découverte: Paris | 10/2024 |
Economie internationale | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Pearson Education, Paris | 01/2015 |
Finance d’entreprise | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Pearson Education, Paris | 01/2014 |
Title | Authors | Source | Date |
Financial transaction taxation in Europe | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Edward Edgar | 01/2014 |
The ability of banks to shift corporate income taxes to customers | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | MIT Press | 01/2014 |
The burden of bank taxation: Corporate income tax vs. bank levy | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Edward Edgar | 01/2014 |
L’intermédiation financière | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Economica, Paris. | 01/2013 |
Who pays bank taxes? | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | VoxEU E-book | 01/2013 |
Title | Authors | Source | Date |
How to curb the growth of stock trading? Order-to-trade ratios and financial transaction tax | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | BAFFI CAREFIN Centre for Applied Research on International Markets, Banking, Finance and Regulation Research Paper Series | 01/2017 |
« CSR Disclosures and Stock Market Reaction » | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | SEEK Workshop – Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Costs | 01/2013 |
Responsabilité sociale et performance des entreprises | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Conférence annuelle de la Chaire Finance Durable et Investissement Responsable | 01/2011 |
Le concept d’efficience des marchés financiers | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Université d’Été en Histoire de la Pensée et Méthodologie Économiques | 01/2007 |
Mondialisation et places financières », Paris, 2006 | Gunther CAPELLE-BLANCARD | Congrès annuel de l’Institut Europlace de Finance | 01/2006 |