1. External liabilities, domestic institutions and banking crises in developing economies
Review of international economics, janv.-18, BOUKEF-JLASSI Nabila, 3* CNRS
2. Are export promotion programs efficient for small and medium enterprises?
Economics Bulletin, janv.-18, LECERF Marjorie, 2* CNRS
3. The impact of technological change on employment : the case of the press digitisation
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, févr.-18, AUBERT-TARBY Clémence, ESCOBAR Octavio, 3* CNRS/FNEGE
4. Les multiples échelles et dynamiques urbaines de créativité et d’innovation. La double réalité créatrice du quartier du Poblenou à Barcelone
Géographie, Economie et Société, févr.-18 CAPDEVILA Ignasi, 1* CNRS
5. The Asymmetric Responses of Stock Markets
Journal of Economic Integration, 1-mars-18 GOUTTE Stéphane, 2*CNRS
6. Convenience Pricing in Online Retailing: Evidence from
Economic Modelling, 17-avr.-18, ESCOBAR Octavio, 3*CNRS
7. Construire les interdépendances entre Business Models dans une stratégie de diversification reliée
Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 9-mai-18 MERINDOL Valérie / VERSAILLES David 2*CNRS/FNEGE
8. Les determinants de la confiance de l'internaute dans le contexte d'une collecte de crowdfunding
Innovations, 20-mai-18 CASTELLANO Sylvaine, 1*CNRS, FNEGE
9. Post-Campaign Operational Problems Hindering Promised Rewards In Crowdfunding Projects
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 20-févr.-18, SCHIAVONE Francesco, 1*CNRS, FNEGE
10. Fuel taxes and consumer behaviour: a Markov-switching approach
Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 30-mai-18, PORCHER Thomas, 1*CNRS
11. Energy transition: between economic opportunity and the need for financing?
Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 30-mai-18, GABTENI Héger, 1* CNRS
12. De l’audace à l’ouverture au changement des étudiants en école de commerce : une approche de l’intention entrepreneuriale par les valeurs personnelles
Question(s) de management, 19-juin-18 , AOUINA-MEJRI Chiraz, 1*FNEGE
13. Electricity retail competition: the case of the UK
Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 30-mai-18, BOROUMAND Raphael/ CARTWRIGHT Phil, 1*CNRS
14. Optimal management of an oil exploitation
Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 30-mai-18 GOUTTE Stéphane, 1* CNRS
15. The role of a knowledge leader in a changing organizational environment. A conceptual framework drawn by an analysis of four large companies
Journal of Knowledge Management, 14-févr.-18 BITBOL-SABA Nathalie, 1*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
16. Uncovering the role of virtual agents in co-creation contexts: An application to the online wine business
Management Decision, 6-juin-18 CASTELLANO Sylvaine/ SUSINI Jean-Paul, 1*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
17. On the study of conditional dependence structure between Oil, Gold and USD exchange rates
International Review of Financial Analysis, 24-juil.-18 GOUTTE Stephane, 2*CNRS
18. Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: Evidence based on a new
credibility index
Review of World Economics, 24-juil.-18, LUCOTTE Yannick, 3*CNRS
19. The effect of digital technologies adoption in healthcare industry:
a case based analysis
Business Process Management Journal, 17-juil.-18 SCHIAVONE Francesco, 2*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
20. Cultural orientations and information systems success in public and private hostitals: preliminary evidences from Italy
BMC Health Services Research, 18-juil.-18 SCHIAVONE Francesco, 2*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
21. The role of big data in shaping ambidextrous business process management
Business Process Management Journal, 30-juil.-18 GABTENI Héger, 2*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
22. La fraude est-elle gérable Application au cas des assurances complémentaires santé Recherches en Sciences de Gestion -Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión 24-août-18, DUFOUR Nicolas, 2*FNEGE
23. Big data for big pharma – harmonizing business process management to
Enhance ambidexterity
Business Process Management Journal, 28-août-18 SAFRAOU Imen, 2*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
24. The influence of production, IT, and logistics process innovations on ambidexterity performance
Business Process Management Journal, 28-août-18 BESSON Ekaterina, 2*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
25. Knowledge discovery out of text data: a systematic review via text mining
Journal of Knowledge Management, 20-sept.-18, AOUINA-MEJRI Chiraz, 1*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
26. On the determinants of industry-CDS index spreads: Evidence from a nonlinear setting Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 20-sept.-18 GOUTTE Stéphane, 2*CNRS
27. Scientific network centrality of European regions:
the role of territorial resources
Région et Développement, 20-sept.-18 MERINDOL Valérie, 1*CNRS
28. Assessing the impact and antecedents of university scientific research on firms' innovation commercialisation
International Journal of Technology Management, 21-sept.-18, ZHAO Yue, 2*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
29. Converting Shelf-Based Scarcity into Innovation by Adopting Customer-Focused Innovation Approach
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 22-mars-18 SUSINI Jean-Paul, 1*CNRS
30. Understanding business model in the Internet of Things industry, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 4 nov.-18, SCHIAVONE Francesco, 3*CNRS/FNEGE
31. How families shape women’s entrepreneurial success in Morocco: an intersectional study, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22-sept.-18, CONSTANTINIDIS Christina, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
32. Service Business Markets: relationship development in shipping industry, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, 24-sept.-18, BESSON Ekaterina, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
33. L’impact de la saillance de mortalité sur les stratégies régulatrices et sur les préférences produits promotion et prevention, Management & Avenir, 21-nov.-18, PARTOUCHE Judith, 1*CNRS, 2* FNEGE
34. Technology-transfer offices and academic open labs as different types of organizational intermediaries in science-society relationships, Gestion 2000, 6-dec.-2018, MERINDOL Valérie, CAPDEVILA Ignasi, 1*FNEGE
35. How the Renminbi and other East Asian currencies co-move? Journal of international money and Finance, 9-dec.-2018, KEDDAD Benjamin
1. Reputation, E-Reputation, and Value-Creation of Mergers and Acquisitions
International Studies of Management & Organization, janv.-17, LAMOTTE Olivier, 2* CNRS/ FNEGE
2. Investigating the Influence of E-Word-of-Mouth on E-Reputation, International Studies of Management & Organization, janv.-17, CASTELLANO Sylvaine, DUTOT Vincent 2* CNRS/FNEGE
3. Intraday hedging with financial options: the case of electricity
Applied Economics Letters, févr.-17, BOROUMAND Raphaël, 1* CNRS
4. On the estimation of regime-switching Lévy models, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, févr.-17 GOUTTE Stéphane, 2* CNRS
5. Signalling legitimacy in global contexts: the case of small wine producers in Bulgaria European Business Review, févr.-17, CASTELLANO Sylvaine, 2* CNRS/FNEGE
6. Inventory allocation models for a two-stage, two-product, capacitated supplier and retailer problem with random demand, International Journal of Production Economics, avr.-17 LUO Kai, 4*CNRS/FNEGE
7. French energy policy: A gradual transition, Energy Policy, avr.-17, SILVESTRE Stephan, 3*CNRS
8. Cross-country performance of Lévy regime-switching models for stock markets
Applied Economics, janv.-17, GOUTTE Stephane, 3*CNRS
9. Incompetence and managerial problems delaying reward delivery in crowdfunding Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, févr.-17, SCHIAVONE Francesco, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
10. On exchange rate comovements: New evidence from a Taylor rule fundamentals model with adaptive learning
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, mai-17, KEDDAD Benjamin, 2* CNRS
11. Advertising Appeals, Moderators, And Impact on Persuasion A Quantitative Assessment
Creates a Hierarchy of Appeals
Journal of Advertising Research, mai-17 , HORNIK Jacob, 2*CNRS
12. From a local community to a global influence. How elBulli restaurant created a new epistemic
movement in the world of haute cuisine
Industry and Innovation, mai-17, CAPDEVILA Ignasi, 2* CNRS/FNEGE
13. Jumps and volatility dynamics in agricultural commodity spot prices
Applied Economics, juin-17, BOROUMAND Raphaël /PORCHER Thomas, 3* CNRS
14. Social entrepreneurship, age and gender: toward a model of social involvement in entrepreneurship
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and small business, juin-17, MAALAOUI Adnane, 1* CNRS/FNEGE
15. Unveiling the sustainable facet of the conventional entrepreneur - A cognitive approach International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, juin-17, CASTELLANO Sylvaine, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
16. The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona
Management International, juin-17, CAPDEVILA Ignasi 2*CNRS / 3* FNEGE
17. Curbing the growth of stock trading? Order-to-trade ratios
and financial transaction taxes
Journal of International Financial
Markets, Institutions & Money, CAPELLE-BLANCARD Gunther 2*CNRS
18. Les Laboratoires d’innovation ouverte comme dispositif intrapreneurial
Entreprendre et Innover, août-17, MERINDOL Valérie, VERSAILLES David, 1*FNEGE
19. Quoi de neuf, docteur ? Les living labs en santé
Entreprendre et Innover, août-17, LE CHAFFOTEC, 1*FNEGE
20. Estimation of Lévy-driven Ornstein-Ulhenbeck processes: Application to modeling of CO2 and fuel-switching
Annals of Operations Research, août-17, GOUTTE Stéphane, 3*CNRS
21. Entrepreneurial intention through cognitive psychology approach: Past, present and future research
Revue de l’Entreprenariat, août-17, MAALAOUI Adnane, 1*CNRS, 3*FNEGE
22. Legitimacy: The missing link to investigate the dynamics of entrepreneurial teams in successful Champagne Houses
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, sept.-2017, CASTELLANO Sylvaine, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
23. Assessing the role of culture as a moderator of cognitive age influence on seniors’ travel motivation and perceived risk
Journal of Consumer Marketing, sept.-2017, ERRAJAA Karim, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
24. Exploring the double influence of CEOs’ management style on the development of SMEs’ corporate reputation
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, sept.-2017, DUTOT Vincent, 1*FNEGE
25. Financial Liberalization and the Environmental Quality: Evidence from Tunisia
Energy Studies Review, sept.-2017, BOUKEF-JLASSI, 2*CNRS
26. Risk minimisation: the failure of electricity intra-day forward contracts
International journal of global energy issues, oct.-2017, BOROUMAND Raphaël, 1*CNRS
27. Immersion and emotional reactions to the ambiance of a multiservice space: the important role of perceived congruence between odor and brand image
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, oct.-2017, ERRAJAA Karim, 2*CNRS/FNEGE
28. Tax Measures and Household Financial Behaviour: Evidence from France
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, oct.-2017, SCHALCK Christophe, 2*CNRS
29. La mise en œuvre de processus d’ingénierie normative comme réponse à la tétranormalisation. Cas du secteur des complémentaires santé
Management & Avenir, nov.-2017, DUFOUR Nicolas, 1*CNRS, 2*FNEGE
30. A quoi servent les (centaines de milliers de milliards de) transactions boursières ?
Revue d’Economie Financière, nov.-2017, CAPELLE-BLANCARD Gunther, 1*CNRS/FNEGE
31. The microlevel actions undertaken by owner‐managers in improving the sustainability practices of cultural and creative small and medium enterprises: A United Kingdom–Italy comparison
Journal of Organizational Behavior, déc.-2017, DEL GIUDICE Manlio, 3*CNRS, 4*FNEGE
32. Is less information better information? Evidence from the credit rating withdrawal
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, déc.-2017, SALVADE Federica, 2*CNRS/FNEGE
33. Développer des capacités hautement créatives dans les entreprises : le cas des laboratoires d’innovation ouverte
Management International, déc.-2017, MERINDOL Valérie, VERSAILLES David, 2*CNRS, 3*FNEGE
34. Le bazar dans la cathédrale : l’espace comme catalyseur de l’implication de l’usager dans la créativité organisationnelle
Management International, déc.-2017, AUBOUIN Nicolas, LE CHAFFOTEC Nicolas, 2*CNRS, 3*FNEGE
35. L'espace comme instrument de l'innovation publique : le cas des open labs dans les institutions publiques de la santé et de la culture
Politiques et Management Public, déc.-2017, AUBOUIN Nicolas, LE CHAFFOTEC Nicolas, 1*CNRS, 1*FNEGE
Département de recherche: