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2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation Society - DTS 2024

The Parthenope University of Naples hosted the second International Conference on Digital Transformation Society on 23 and 24 May 2024

Matinales du PSB Research Lab - Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises

La 1ère matinale du hashtag#PSBResearchLab, a réuni des professionnels et des chercheurs autour du thème « Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises »

Matinales du PSB Research Lab - Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises

La 1ère matinale du hashtag#PSBResearchLab, a réuni des professionnels et des chercheurs autour du thème « Adoption de l'IA générative : opportunités et menaces pour les entreprises »

Meet the editor Workshop - Mirella Kleijnen, Editor in Chief, Journal of Business Research

Two weeks ago has taken place the 3rd edition of Paris School of Business' "Meet the Editor Workshop" organized by our professors Nessrine OMRANI, PhD. HDR & Francesco Paolo Appio, PhD, HDR

Meet the editor Workshop - Mirella Kleijnen, Editor in Chief, Journal of Business Research

Two weeks ago has taken place the 3rd edition of Paris School of Business' "Meet the Editor Workshop" organized by our professors Nessrine OMRANI, PhD. HDR & Francesco Paolo Appio, PhD, HDR

Nouveaux Enseignants-Chercheurs 2021-2022

Paris School of Business renforce son équipe pédagogique en intégrant 7 nouveaux professeurs permanents et chercheurs pour la rentrée 2021-2022.


Whelsy BOUNGOU, un doctorat en banque et finance

M&S Workshop HDR : Partage de bonnes pratiques

 Workshop HDR : Partage de bonnes pratiques

On 16th of May 2019, Nicolas Aubouin, Associate Professor at PSB Paris School of Business and Head of Management and Strategy Research Department organise the Wokrshop 

HDR : Partage de bonnes pratiques

Entrepreneurship, Positive Business & Innovation

China-french Conference, roundtables and workshop

11th of April 2019, Hangzhou, China

Entrepreneurship, Positive Business & Innovation with contribution of David W. Versailles, Professor at PSB Paris School of Business and Head of NewPIC Chair

Workshop Entrepreneurs and Social Value Creation

Workshop PSB Paris School of Business 
“Entrepreneurs and Social Value Creation” 



By Héger Gabteni, Associate Professor at PSB Paris School of Business, Head of Pedagogical Innovation 

As part of its educational innovation policy, PSB Paris School of Business has chosen to integrate experiential and immersive learning into its educational project in order to promote and develop the student experience.
