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“Geographic Dimension, Information Asymmetry, and The Success Of Crowdfunding”

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“Student and openness to change Toward a personal values approach of entrepreneurial intention”

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Graph Creation and Analysis for Linking Actors

Algorithms for Automating Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) presents information on the gathering of information and extraction of actionable intelligence from openly available sources, including news broadcasts, public repositories, and more recently, social media.

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Prospective et reconnaissance des métiers au sein du secteur culturel : un problème de management ?

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Do Spot Prices Predict Future Futures Prices?

Futures prices reflect the price that both the buyer and the seller agree will be the price of a commodity upon delivery. Therefore, these prices provide direct information about investor’s expectations about the future price of the commodity of interest.

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Du fab lab au living lab : quelles tranformations?

Cette communication vise à présenter un panorama des dispositifs de type fab lab et living lab en France et d'en tirer des enseignements sur les nouvelles relations publiques-privées en matière d'innovation et sur les changements organisationnels (grandes entreprises et recherche publi
