
Manuela COUSIN
Associate Professor Teaching
Résumé du parcours
Consultant specialized in the field of know-be professional, Specialist coaching and management training, leadership, personal development, interpersonal communication and business practices. Creative and pragmatic in the business world, I propose an innovative bridge between students and the corporate world. Course over 18 years of experience in various commercial positions in three different companies (French culture, Japanese and American): BARBARA, WACOAL International, REEBOK; 10 years of experience in the service of the "Corporate Relations" a business school and education with the creation of the course "BUSINESS SPIRIT" focuses on the attitudes and professional behaviors. Development of relations with business, management and management of this service. BUSINESS SPIRIT: an innovative educational program based on professional know-being. Establish a winning mindset .... a spirit of business. Build a real and solid bridge between the business world, the world of school and the world of youth. Responsible Leadership seminars Management with the proposal of a new seminar format or group values are highlighted. Introduction of the concept of CHALLENGE among students. Head of Enterprise DESTINATION FUTURE, innovative training programs tailored design oriented attitudes and professional behaviors intended for Schools, Businesses and Local Missions. "I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul ..." WE HENDLEY
- French University Master, Business Administration, Marketing Communication et Publicité (graduated in 2000)
Département pédagogique
- Leadership IT Skills and Languages