Psychology of performance and preference : advantages, disavantages, drivers and obstacles to the achievement of congruence
The marketing literature suggests that customers are satisfied when there is congruence between performances (products and management behaviours) on the one hand, and preferences (whether for management behaviours or products) on the other.
Purchasers in provider mode
The music education business is worth an estimated 5 million in the UK each year.
Quels indicateurs budgétaires pour quels objectifs de politique économique ?
La conduite de la politique économique dans les principaux pays développés nécessite une connaissance fi ne de la situation
Question de géopolitique ou la géopolitique en question
Geopolitics is not a science. In France, it doesn't really exist nor in CNRS neither in research commitees. Since only a few years, it had been registered as political geography.
Researchers in Higher Education : a neglected focus of study
The literature on higher education acknowledges the importance of context to the effective completion of research by postgraduate students but overlooks to study the importance of this factor for academics in higher education.