How to ‘Trump’ the energy market: Evidence from the WTI-Brent spread
Donald Trump’s use of Twitter was unprecedented. Many of Trump’s strong statements in reference to the U.S. oil & gas industry were intended to advertise his domestic policy agenda aimed at supporting re-industrialization and investment.
Knowledge transfer from and within digital incubators: does the context of entrepreneurship matter? The case of women entrepreneurs in France
Megaresco - Retour d’expérience d’une forme innovante d’apprentissage expérientiel visant à faciliter la compréhension des problématiques managériales liées à l’éthique et à la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises
Multi-stage mine production timetabling with optimising the sizes of mining operations: an application of parallel-machine flow shop scheduling with lot streaming
Perceived health as human capital in entrepreneurial intention among people with disability
Portfolio optimization through hybrid deep learning and genetic algorithms vine Copula-GARCH-EVT-CVaR model
This study investigates the potential benefits of using the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) portfolio optimization approach with a GARCH model, Extreme Value Theory (EVT), and Vine Copula to obtain the optimal allocation decision for a portfolio consisting of Bitcoin, gold, oil, and stock indice