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Chicken and egg - Who comes first ? Episode 1 Sustainable Development and Renault's Absorptive capacity. The case of electric car

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Chine-Israël : une relation ambigüe

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Comprendre la géopolitique

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Crise de l'euro : vers un effet boomerang pour les pays émergents ?

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Crise mondiale : pertes financières et gains politiques pour la Chine

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Des économies émergentes aux puissances émergentes

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Du care à la société accompagnante : une écologie politique du concret

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Earnings Management and Banking Performance : A Stochastic-Frontier Analysis on U.S. Bank Mergers

The aim of the paper is to study the relationship between banking performance and earnings management. Our study focuses on 54 U.S. bank mergers and covers the period 1998-2004. We use the efficiency-frontier analysis to measure banking performance, specifically the stochastic-frontier analysis.

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Earnings Management and Banking Performance: A Stochastic-Frontier Analysis on US Banking Mergers

