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Évaluation de la qualité des organisations : que nous dit-on réellement ?

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Forum Mobilité

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Habitat et vieillissement : l'axe de l'adaptation

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Il est l'heure

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Invention, Innovation and the Growing Demand for Energy – The Case of Solar Power and India

Technology and innovation are at the forefront of today’s business, political and social news. Yet, in many ways, there is much work to be done on explaining and understanding innovation. The energy arena provides an ideal setting for much of the related research.

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Investigating heterogeneity in European fiscal behaviours

The aim of this paper is to analyse the heterogeneity in fiscal behaviours in the euro zone.

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Israël dans le printemps arabe

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Jusqu'où faut-il flexibiliser le marché du travail pour réduire le chômage?

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Justifier l'investissement dans les réseaux sociaux : RIO ou ROA ?
