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Privacy threats from social networking service aggregators

Social networking services (SNS) have increased in popularity over the last decade. They have become major platforms for e-commerce, personal branding, socialization and information.

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A regime switching model to evaluate bonds in a quadratic term structure of interest rates

In this article, we consider a discrete-time economy in which we assume that the short-term interest rate follows a quadratic term structure in a regime-switching asset process.

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Adoption of social media using technology acceptancemodel: the generational effect

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Adultère 2.0 : comment la technologie est devenue la meilleure alliée des conjoints volages… et de ceux qu’ils trompent

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Aligning IT Capabilities with the Information Requirements of International SMEs: Information Processing Theory Revisited

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An unusual empirical pattern in an indigenous setting: cooperative entrepreneurship among Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) harvesters

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Asymmetry and volatility in oil price transmission
