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Sustainability and Luxury: Strategy and communication challenges

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Technologies de l'information et variété des formes de cocréation: vers un nouveau paradigme pour la défense américaine

This article investigates the role of Defence as an active user of technology. It shows that two user centric models of innovation co-exist: the owner and Lead user status. The article analyses the consequences of user’s characteristics on the client and firms relationships.

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The Impact of Press Digitisation on Journalists' Income: Evidence from France

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The Impact of the Diploma on Journalists' Income

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The materiality of institutional logics: dualities in the French medical profession since 1975

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The use of BSDEs to characterize the mean–variance hedging problem and the variance optimal martingale measure for defaultable claims

In this paper, we consider the problem of mean–variance hedging of a defaultable claim. We assume the underlying assets are jump processes driven by Brownian motion and default processes.

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Tobin tax and trading volume tightening: a reassessment

This article extends the previous literature on the Tobin tax and financial transaction
tax. We investigate the linkages between trading volumes and transaction costs using both a
linear and a nonlinear methodology. In stark contrast with previous studies, we consider the

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Tribune libre : Service civique

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Valuing Networks for Emerging Musicians
