
Associate Professor Research
Wissal BEN ARFI, Ph.D. in Strategic and Innovation Management, University of Grenoble-Alpes in 2014), is an Associate professor and Head of Marketing & Communication Department at Paris School of Business.
She teaches Strategic Management & Technological Innovation, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and related topics in the in the MSc International Management and MIM Program.
Her main research interests include Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, Digital Platforms, Digitalization, Knowledge Sharing.
Her research have been published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Small Business Economics.
Her research have also been presented at numerous national and international Strategic Management & Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Other Activities
Editorial responsibilities in academic journals :
Guest Editor : Question(s) de Management Journal : Special Issue : L'innovation durable dans le contexte post COVID-19 : Leçons, défis, stratégies et opportunités ; Ben Arfi, W., (Paris School of Business); J-P., Boissin, (Université Grenoble-Alpes, IAE de Grenoble), Matmati, M. (Grenoble Ecole de Management)
Guest Editor: Journal of Innovation Economics and Management: Special Issue: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a platform-shaped world; Simoni M., (University of Naples Parthenope, Italy); Khvatova, T. (EM Lyon); and Ben Arfi, W., (Paris School of Business)
Guest Editor: Frontiers in Human Dynamics Journal, Special Issue: Organizational, Business and Sociological Perspectives on Metaverses; Basly, S., (Université de Nanterre) & Ben Arfi, W., (Paris School of Business)
Workshop/conference organisations
3rd Edition of CIMs International Management Conferences, 1st & 2nd, June “ Innovations & Organizations in Times of Crisis” organized in collaboration with Lab New Management Practices (NPG), Africa Business and Entrepreneurship Research Society ( ABERS), Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Morocco
1st Edition of International Conference in Customer Experience & Marketing « ICCEM» Thursday 8th, June “ Customer Experience, New Challenges, & Metaverse : Implications for Marketing Services Research & Practice ” in PSB, Paris, France
Other interests
Reviewer in peer journals in 2022-2023
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Business Research
Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat
Revue Management & Avenir
Revue Gestion 2000
Revue Management & Sciences Sociales
Reviewer for International Conferences
ACIEK Conference
Conference AIM
Colloque Humanisme & Gestion
Academic associations
Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation (RRI)
International Association of Strategic Management (AIMS)
- PhD, Business Administration, Strategic Management "Specilization Innovation" (graduated in 2014)
Teaching department
- Marketing
Digital Management
Digital Management
Strategic Management
Strategic Management
Leadership Management
Leadership Management
Title | Authors | Source | Date |
VOISIN : Comment renforcer les engagements éthiques et durables d'une marque | Wissal BEN ARFI, Yousra Hallem, Frédéric Aubrun | CCMP | 04/2023 |
VOISIN : La stratégie digitale d'un chocolatier renommé | Wissal BEN ARFI, Yousra Hallem, Frédéric Aubrun | CCMP Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques | 04/2023 |