

Associate Professor Research
Judith Partouchse-Sebban, (PhD, HDR in Marketing, Paris Dauphine University in 2022), is an Full Professor in the Marketing department of Paris School of Business. She is a founder of the Living Health Chair. She teaches Market Studies, Quantitative Techniques and related topics in the Bachelor and PGE programs. Her main research interests include Vulnerable Consumers, Mortality Salience and Consumption, Patient Experience, Healthcare Services. Her researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Organizational Change Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Marketing Management. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Marketing and Management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.



  • PhD, Business Administration, Marketing (graduated in 2013)


  • Head of academic department, Marketing and Communication
  • Head of research department, Marketing and Value Creation

Teaching department

  • Marketing

Chair department

  • Digital Data Design
  • Entrepreneurship and sustainable business


Senior marketing


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
When cause familiarity leads to positive attitudes toward brands in a cause–brand alliance: a cross-cultural study during the COVID-19 pandemic Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, S. REZAEE VESSAL, S. CASTELLANO, M. ORHAN, R. SORIO International Marketing Review 12/2023
Cause-related marketing in pandemic context—The effects of cause-brand fit and cause-brand alliance on customer-based legitimacy and reputation Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, S. CASTELLANO, M. ORHAN, Insaf KHELLADI, Rossella SORIO Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 04/2023
Senior entrepreneurship: how subjective age affects seniors’ entrepreneurial intentions Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, A. MAALAOUI, I. SAFRAOU, Celine Viala Review of Managerial Science 02/2023
Reliving a traumatic experience through emotional creativity: the bright side of cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, Francesco SCHIAVONE Journal of Organizational Change Management 12/2022
When co-creation pays off: the effect of co-creation on well-being, work performance and team resilience Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 06/2022
How Death Anxiety Influences Coping Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigating the role of Spirituality, National Identity, Lockdown and Trust Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL Journal of Marketing Management 01/2022
Increasing customer loyalty and WOM in an age of terror: cross-cultural development and validation of the customers’ reactions to terror scale Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 01/2022
The effect of mortality salience on status consumption among elderly individuals: the moderating role of chronological age and subjective age Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Journal of Organizational Change Management 01/2022
We Link, You Link: Social Alliances and Community Engagement Among Vulnerable Consumers in Oncology Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Journal of Business Research 01/2022
Overcoming stressful events by Do-It-Yourself (DIY) laboratories. A new trailblazing career for disadvantaged entrepreneurs Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Technological Forecasting and Social Change 03/2021
I live with terror inside me": Exploring customers' instinctive reactions to terror Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN International Journal of Hospitality Management 01/2021
Antecedents of well-being for artisant entrepreneurship: a first exploratory study Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Séverine LELOARNE-LEMARE, Myriam RAZGALLAH, Adnane MAALAOUI international journal of entrepreneurship and small business 09/2020
Why some third age individuals develop entrepreneurial intentions: exploring the psychological effects of posterity Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU, Adnane MAALAOUI, Erno TORNIKOSKI Journal of Small Business Management 04/2020
Effects of cause-related marketing campaigns on consumer purchase behavior among French millennials Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL International Marketing Review 01/2020
L'impact de la saillance de mortalité sur les stratégies régulatrices et les préférences produits promotion et prévention Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Denis GUIOT Management et Avenir 10/2018
Online interactions as a terror management mechanism: how death anxiety affects facebook use Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 10/2016
La responsabilité des entreprises dans le vieillissement réussi et le rôle d'internet dans ce processus: une étude exploratoire Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Karim ERRAJAA Management et Avenir 01/2015
La responsabilité des entreprises dans le vieillissement réussi et le rôle d'internet dans ce processus: une étude exploratoire Karim ERRAJAA, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Management et Avenir 01/2015
Les modalités et conséquences du processus de collaboration entre consommateur-senior et entreprise et le rôle d'internet dans ce processus : étude exploratoire Karim ERRAJAA, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU La Revue des Sciences de Gestion 01/2015
Social media and nostalgic new products: an exploratory study Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Karim ERRAJAA, Vincent DUTOT European Journal of Innovation Management 01/2013
The co-creation process in the development of nostalgic new products Vincent DUTOT, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Karim ERRAJAA European Journal of Innovation Management 01/2013
Title Authors Source Date
Experience of Aging as an Opportunity for Entrepreneurship among the Elderly Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Springer 04/2019
Les stratégies de coping des consommateurs seniors: possibles déterminants d'un vieillissement réussi ? Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN Comprendre le comportement âgé : Nouveaux enjeux et perspectives / Méthodes et Recherches / De Boeck 01/2012
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
Self gift, luxury consumption and materialism: the way to happiness Chiraz AOUINA MEJRI, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, TingTing MO Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference 05/2019
Elderly and entrepreneurial intention: Exploring the moderator effect of posterity Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU, Adnan MAALAOUI, Erno TORNIKOSKI International Council for Small Business - World Conference on Entrepreneurship, ICSB 01/2018
How “Benjamin Button” & Subjectif age … fighting Time? Effect of rejuvenating trend on entrepreneurial intention among elderly Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU, Adnane MAALAOUI International Council for Small Business - World Conference on Entrepreneurship, ICSB 01/2018
Mortality salience and status consumption among the elderly Saeedeh REZAEE VESSAL, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN A SYMPOSIUM ON BUSINESS ETHICS 01/2018
Social exclusion and Consumption Behavior: The Role of Exclusion Intensity and Consumers’ Overconfidence Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, SAEEDEH REZAEE VESSAL EUROPEAN ACR. 01/2018
Comment "Benjamin Button" … lutte contre le temps? Effet de la tendance au rajeunissement sur la formation de l’intention entrepreneuriale chez les personnes âgées Imen SAFRAOU, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Adnan MAALAOUI 12/2017
How “Benjamin Button” & Subjectif age … fighting Time? Effect of rejuvenating trend on entrepreneurial intention among elderly Adnan MAALAOUI, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU 01/2016
La saillance de mortalité et son effet sur les motivations régulatrices et les préférences produits promotion versus prévention Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Denis GUIOT 01/2015
Online social networks as a terror management mechanism : the effect of death anxiety on Facebook use Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN 01/2015
Effects of Death Anxiety and generativity on The Formation of Senior Entrepreneurial Intentions Adnan MAALAOUI, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU 01/2014
Elder driving the TPB: Death around the corner Or resurrection? The impact of anxiety toward death on the entrepreneurial intention of the senior: A modeling perspective Adnan MAALAOUI, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU 01/2014
Les modalités et conséquences de collaboration entre consommateur-senior et entreprise sur la co-création de valeur et le rôle des réseaux sociaux dans ce processus : étude exploratoire Karim ERRAJAA, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU Colloque Digital Business ESG Management School 01/2013
The co-creation process in the development of nostalgic new products : a netnographics study Vincent DUTOT, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Karim ERRAJAA Conférence EMAC 01/2013
The co-creation process in the development of nostalgic new products: a netnographic study Vincent DUTOT, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Karim ERRAJAA Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 01/2013
Le matérialisme chez les consommateurs seniors: une étude cross culturelle en France et en Tunisie Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Inès MHAYA 11th Marketing Trends Conference ESCP 01/2012
Les contributions des entreprises au "vieillissement réussi": une étude exploratoire du rôle de l'outil internet Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Karim ERRAJAA 01/2012
The co-creation process in the development of nostalgic new products : a netnographic study Karim ERRAJAA, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Vincent DUTOT 01/2012
Les stratégies de coping des consommateurs seniors: cadre théorique et analyse critique des outils de mesure existants Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Sarah BENMOYAL-BOUZAGLO, Denis GUIOT 01/2011
Press Article
Title Authors Source Date
Sénior marketing, préjugés et stéréotypes Karim ERRAJAA, Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, Imen SAFRAOU 01/2016