
Megalabs: Breaking Barriers – The Journey of Implementing Remote Work in Organizations


This case describes the transition of Megalabs (regional pharmaceutical company) into hybrid ways of working, when the COVID-19 pandemic created a set of new circumstances for the organization. Megalabs, like many other organizations, introduced remote work practice for all its employees during the pandemic lockdown. The project team explored the main factors (organizational, environmental and individual) that were impacting and conditioning the remote work practice and the main human resources implications of this new working model. By analyzing various perspectives and real-world examples, this study highlights the paradigm shift brought by remote work and emphasizes the need for organizations to adapt to this new work model. Even though for many the ‘mix’ seems to be the right answer as it has ‘the best of both worlds’, it also presents unanswered questions about “how many days?” or “should we all show up on the same days?”.

Publication type: 
Case study
Date de parution: 
Case Centre