Collaborative Strategies & Disruptive Environments
The department Collaborative strategies and disruptive environments focuses its research activities on new approaches of management. Projects and publications investigate intra- organizational factors, the dynamics of the management of knowledge, of innovation and creativity, managerial practices, dynamic capabilities, inter-firm relations, and hybridation mechanisms.
Research investigates the dynamics of collaboration, the dynamics of communities, and the management of innovation. Projects analyze knowledge creation through the lenses of ideation and creativity, and its transfer. Faculties have also been active on the analysis of makerspaces, open labs, innovation platforms, and coworking spaces for several years.
Research in this topic relates to the ratio between an output gained from the business and an input to business operations. Operation efficiency improves when the ratio improves. Faculties expand this topic from traditional industrial references to the analysis of services. Specific issues are addressed in relation with performance measurements, the applicability of the ratio to services versus industrial sectors and manufacturing, and to the analysis of operational excellence. This research topic also investigates the links with corporate strategy and strategic differentiation.
Business ethics and corporate social responsibility have been hot topics in management research. Managing ethical behaviors remains one of the main pervasive managerial challenges today. Our research on this topic covers several dimensions on ethical conducts and of organizational standards, principles, sets of values and norms that govern the actions of individuals and the ways of working. Projects relates to ethical obligations to employees, workplace safety which may involve modifying the workplace, management strategies, and to the interactions with the different categories of stakeholders.