Collaborative Spaces Promoting Creativity and Innovation
Ignasi CAPDEVILA, S. BOUTILLIER, L. DUPONT, L. MORELThe need for increasing innovation and collaboration, as well
as integrating more flexible and autonomous ways of working, has also caused changes in the spatialization of work. In recent years there has been an explosion in the creation of spaces where individuals, motivated by the development of their creative projects, interact face-to-face and collaborate with peers. The origin of the spaces might respond to different logics, but it is often related to an actor’s need to gather with other locally distributed peers with a common interest. These collaborative spaces take many different forms and denominations such as fablabs, coworking spaces, living labs, makerspaces, hackerspaces, etc. These different kinds of space have attracted the interest of individuals who, in one way or another, profit from knowledge-sharing and from being involved in
collective innovation processes (Capdevila, 2019). Taking an open innovation approach, business managers (and policymakers) have also taken an interest in this new phenomenon considering the high potential of involving their employees (or citizens) in the creative dynamics of their organizations (or territories).