
Des modes de diffusion de la rumeur : une approche par la matérialité

Hélène BUSSY-SOCRATE, François-Xavier DE VAUJANY

This essay illustrates how a materiality perspective can illuminate the emergence and
diffusion of rumors. Organization studies have also investigated rumours in the organizational and market settings. In this paper, we explore three modes of information-spread
in relation to rumours (classical, digital type 1, digital type 2) and their materialization.
Through three case studies, we discuss the issues and embeddedness between these three
modes of diffusion. We present crucial concepts toward the management of reputation and
its link with sensitive information. A process model exploring their relation within a cycle
sheds light on the concept of sociomateriality: materialisation, amplification, interpretation,
reduction and re(un)formation, re-activation

Publication type: 
Scientific Article
Date de parution: 
Systèmes d'Information et Management