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Utilisation des stimuli olfactifs et du design physique dans les lieux de vente : quelles conséquences sur les réactions du consommateur

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Subjectivisme économique, figures du besoin et de l’utilité marginale à travers les éditions des Grundsätze (1871-1923) de Carl Menger

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Transatlantic cooperation and R&D management: an inquiry into the problem of complementarity

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Arménie-Israel : l'espoir au-delà de la realpolitik

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China's Presence in Latin America

For half a century, the People's Republic of China took only limited note of Latin America, a region over which the United states exercised real political and economyc hegemony. This period of indifference is today at an end.

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China's strategies in latin america

China today faces an immediate challenge : energy dependence. For many years it has tried to diversify its sources of hydrocarbons, but the deposit og central Asia and the Caspian Sea have turned out to be disappointing, with reserves much beklow przliminary estimates.

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Chine : grandes maneuvres au Maghreb

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Chine : les énergies d'une ambition

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Cinq idées fausses sur la guerre Israël - Hezbollah
