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Tunisian Financial System: A Growth Factor

The relationship between financial development and economic growth were the subject of many recent theoretical and empirical works. These works generally focused on link between finance and growth according to the maturity of financial systems.

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Une méthodologie de prospective métiers fondée sur les compétences collectives : l’exemple du métier de pilote de chasse

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Open source software reshaping Defense-related management of technologies

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Afrique du sud : une démocratie entre amertume et espoirs

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Afrique du sud, de Mandela à Zuma : les ambiguïtés d'une politique étrangère

he establishment of democracy in South Africa, symbolized by the election of Nelson Mandela (1994), has raised many hopes. The country, one of the few democracies in the continent, has embodied a model of institutional transition.

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Are atypical employment contracts exclusively for new entrants ? The case of the french press

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China in Africa: A Limited Conquest

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Du don à la politique du care

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Essai sur les aidants
