Charles PEREZ

Charles PEREZ

Associate Professor Research
Charles Perez, (PhD in Computer Sciences, University of Technology of Troyes in 2014), is an Associate professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches social network analysis, IoT and Arduino project and related topics and organizes Hackathons in the Digital Business Master program. His main research interests include social network analysis, social media influences and new technologies, such as web 3 and virtual reality, and how they affect users and viewers. His research has been published in journals such as Decision Support Systems, Technological forecasting and social change, Journal of retailing and consumer services and others. His research has also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. He has also published multiple books on the subjects related to her research, such as “Digital jail” (fr. Prison numérique) and “The metaverse manual” (fr. Le manuel du métavers).



  • Doctorate, Science, Informatique (graduated in 2014)


  • Information system
  • English
  • Informatics C++
  • Informatics Java
  • French language and culture
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Sciences

Teaching department

  • Management

Chair department

  • Digital Data Design


Performance and Technology
Performance and Technology
Social Media
Social Media
Digital Management
Project Management
Big Data
Big Data


Scientific Article
Title Authors Source Date
Using social media for health: How food influencers shape home-cooking intentions through vicarious experience Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ, Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal Technological Forecasting and Social Change 07/2024
Home cooking in the digital age: When observing food influencers on social media triggers the imitation of their practices Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ, Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal Psychology & Marketing 02/2024
Can you hold an advantageous network position ? The role of neighborhood similarity in the sustainability of structural holes in social networks Charles PEREZ, I-HSIEN TING Decision Support Systems 07/2022
Geographic dimension, information asymmetry, and the success of crowdfunding campaigns Nessrine OMRANI, Charles PEREZ, Adnane MAALAOUI, Gael BERTRAND, Rony GERMON International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 01/2022
Uncovering the Strategies and Dynamics of Research Fields Using Network Science: Structural Evidence from a Decade of Privacy Research Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA The Review of Socionetwork Strategies 01/2022
You follow fitness influencers on YouTube. But do you actually exercise? How parasocial relationships, and watching fitness influencers, relate to intentions to exercise Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 01/2021
Digital social capital and performance of initial coin offerings Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA Technological Forecasting and Social Change 01/2020
The digital ingredients of donation-based crowdfunding. A data-driven study of Leetchi projects and social campaigns Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ Journal of Decision Systems 03/2019
Social crowdfunding: new perspectives on social entrepreneurship in developing countries Rony GERMON, Nessrine OMRANI, Charles PEREZ, Heger GABTENI Innovations Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation 01/2019
Android application classification and anomaly detection with graph-based permission patterns Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ, Marc LEMERCIER Decision Support Systems 01/2017
Android application classification and anomaly detection with graph-based permission patterns Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA, Marc LEMERCIER Decision Support Systems 12/2016
Co-authorship Networks in Industrial Ecology Domains: the Growth and Change of Networks Charles PEREZ, J. KIM Journal of Industrial Ecology 05/2015
REPLOT : REtreiving Profile Links On Twitter for malicious campaign discovery Charles PEREZ Communications on Artificial Intelligence 02/2015
The digital ingredients of donation based crowdfunding. A data-driven study of Leetchi projects and social campaigns Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ Journal of Decision Systems
Title Authors Source Date
Le manuel du métavers Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA KDP 11/2022
Prison Numérique Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA L'Harmattan 09/2020
100 fiches pour comprendre le digital Charles PEREZ, Vincent DUTOT Bréal 09/2019
La cybersécurité Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA Studyrama 10/2018
La cybersécurité Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA Studyrama 10/2018
Les concepts clés du digital Charles PEREZ, Vincent DUTOT Studyrama 10/2018
Title Authors Source Date
Dark Side of Online Social Networks: Technical, Managerial, and Behavioral Perspectives Charles PEREZ Springer 01/2018
Dark Side of Social Networks: Technical, Managerial and Behavioral Perspectives Hajer KEFI, Charles PEREZ Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining 01/2018
“Cruel Intention” or “Entrepreneurship Intention”: What did you expect? An overview of the Entrepreneurship Intention research field - an interaction perspective Rony GERMON, Gaël BERTRAND, Charles PEREZ, Adnan MAALAOUI, Myriam RAZGALLAH New Trend on Cognitive Entrepreneurship 10/2017
Graph Creation and Analysis for Linking Actors Rony GERMON, Charles PEREZ Automating Open Source Intelligence: Algorithms for OSINT 12/2015
Academic communication
Title Authors Source Date
Can social media influencers encourage healthier behaviour? A study of food influencers and home-cooking intentions. Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ Eurasia research 09/2022
Can social media influencers encourage healthier behaviour? A study of food influencers and home-cooking intentions. Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare 01/2022
Geographic dimension, information asymmetry, and the success of crowdfunding campaigns in collaborative economies Rony GERMON, Gaël BERTRAND, Nessrine OMRANI, Charles PEREZ, Adnan MAALAOUI Collaborative Economy 06/2017
Analysing Human Migrations Patterns Using Digital Social Network Analysis Charles PEREZ The Ninth International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications 03/2017
Modèle pour la prévention contre la fuite de données mobiles Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications 01/2017
The Privacy Research Community in computing and information technology Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA The Ninth International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications 12/2016
“Cruel intention” or “entrepreneurship intention: what did you expect ? An overview of the entrepreneurship intention research field – An interaction perspective” Adnan MAALAOUI, Gaël BERTRAND, Charles PEREZ, Rony GERMON 01/2016
“Geographic Dimension, Information Asymmetry, and The Success Of Crowdfunding” Nessrine OMRANI, Gaël BERTRAND, Charles PEREZ, Rony GERMON, Adnan MAALAOUI 01/2016
Android Application Classification and Anomaly Detection with Graph-based Permission Patterns Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA, Marc LEMERCIER PATTERNS 2015 06/2015
Android Permission Usage: a First Step towards Detecting Abusive Applications Charles PEREZ, Karina SOKOLOVA, Marc LEMERCIER 7th International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications. 05/2015
Android Permission Usage: a First Step towards Detecting Abusive Applications Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ 7th International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications. 01/2015
Privacy threats from social networking service aggregators Charles PEREZ, O JAAFOR, B BIRREGAH, M LEMERCIER Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Conference CTC2014, Massey University 04/2014
Analysing ten years of collaboration in the privacy research community. Karina SOKOLOVA, Charles PEREZ