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Self gift, luxury consumption and materialism: the way to happiness

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The Cost of Banking Crises: Does the Policy Framework Matter?

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« Effets d’interaction entre la couleur et la typographie des sites web marchands et réactions des internautes : une étude exploratoire

Demba Ousmane DIOUF, Jean-François Lemoine
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Banking crises in developing countries–What crucial role of exchange rate stability and external liabilities?

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Experience of Aging as an Opportunity for Entrepreneurship among the Elderly

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Joining a collaborative space: is it really a better place to work?

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Les politiques macroprudentielles: Enjeux et défis

Since the global financial crisis, both advanced and emerging market economies have made progress in setting up macroprudential policy frameworks and implementing macroprudential measures.

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The role of entrepreneurs in the triple helix : open labs as hybrid organizations
