Penser la cohérence technologies-produits au sein des firmes multi-technologies : le rôle clé des portefeuilles de business models
Structural and Cyclical Determinants of Bank Interest Rate Pass-Through in Eurozone
This paper empirically investigates the evolution and the sources of interest rate pass-through heterogeneity in the Eurozone for a sample of 11 euro area countries over the period 2003M1-2011M12.
Android Permission Usage: a First Step towards Detecting Abusive Applications
Thousands of mobile applications are available on mobile markets and actively used everyday.
Co-authorship Networks in Industrial Ecology Domains: the Growth and Change of Networks
Many scientific collaboration networks have been extensively studied from different perspectives, such as through network degree analysis or centrality. However, there has been little study of the scientific collaboration network in the industrial ecology (IE) research domain and community.
Heterogeneous monetary transmission process in the Eurozone: Does banking competition matter?
This paper examines the implications of banking competition for the interest rate channel in the Eurozone over the period 2003–2010.