L'unité de temps et de lieu comme outil d'amélioration de l'efficacité et d'innovation en santé
La vocation médicale face à la fin de vie : de la spiritualité intime à l’éthique collective
An exploratory qualitative study was conducted in France by interviewing ten physicians facing end of life and death issues in their daily work. They all work in hospitals and belong to palliative care networks.
Le bazar dans la cathédrale : l'espace comme catalyseur de l'implication de l'usager dans la créativité organisationnelle
Legitimacy: The missing link to investigate the dynamics of entrepreneurial teams in successful Champagne Houses
Abstract: While recent studies have emphasised the growing interest in
entrepreneurial teams, a consensus regarding the benefits of entrepreneurial
teams for newly created firms remains lacking. Consequently, legitimacy might